We bought too many fireworks and decided to go to Uysumi(the name of beach).

We met at the nearest station at 3 p.m. 2 of us have cars and they drive us to Utsumi. It took 2 hours to arrive at Utsumi. Until we arrived at Utsumi, we talked a lot about our hobbies, lifestyles, universities, job and love. When we arrived at Utsumi, it had already got dark. It was the best time to do fireworks. We had many types of fireworks like skyrockets and gush fireworks. We enjoyed all of them.
After we finished fireworks, we talked about what we would do. It was still 9 p.m. and no one wants ti go home. We decided to go out all night. We went to ROUND 1, the amusement place. After 3 p.m., we can do bowling cheaper. therefore we had to wait until 3 p.m. We spent about 3 hours at Spocha. At Spocha, we can do any sports like tennis, futsal, bascketcall, batting, tabletennis and badminton. Surprisingly, there were massage chairs and comics. We felt tired, so we sat on the chairs and read comics. There were old comics which were published when we were child. We enjoyed talking about our childhood. After that, we did 4 bowling games.
I really enjoyed that night but I was suffering from a muscular pain. I took another holiday next day, so I slept well.
Word Count:315
1 件のコメント:
The fireworks was so beautiful! I didn't see fireworkes this summer, so I want to see it. I think you had a very good time. I want to go to Spoccha too.